10 Ways You get Programmed by Your Environment Without Realizing it.

by Elena Mosaner

We often don’t realize the extent to which our actions and behaviors are influenced by deeply ingrained programming. These programs, inherited from our upbringing and shaped by societal norms, culture, and media, operate beneath our conscious awareness. Much of what we do is a result of these subconscious programs running in the background, guiding our thoughts, decisions, and actions without us even realizing it.

When I took my first hypnosis course over 20 years ago, I've come to see hypnosis everywhere, as a way of programming the mind. The subtle and sophisticated techniques I learned in my classes, in order to help my clients better their lives - I began to see these same methods in our day-to-day life, often used by various forms of media, culture, companies, institutions and people driven by commerce, drive for power, money and influence.

With this understanding, I've compiled a brief yet revealing list to showcase the ubiquity of hypnosis and influence in our daily lives. I hope that this list sheds light on the often overlooked power of suggestion and manipulation that surrounds us.

  1. Childhood Imprinting: During childhood (ages 0-7), your brain is highly receptive and in the alpha state, absorbing information like a sponge. Everything you see, hear, and experience directly influences your developing mind. This imprinting becomes the foundation of your personality and shapes who you are today. The experiences, beliefs, and values you're exposed to during this critical period can have a lasting impact on your behavior and choices in your adult life.

  2. Sex Food Danger Emotional Buttons: Advertisers and influencers understand that certain emotions grab our attention more effectively than others. They often target three primary emotional buttons: sex, food, and danger. By tapping into these primal instincts, they can evoke strong emotional responses, making their content more memorable and persuasive. This technique is used to capture your attention and increase the likelihood that you will engage with their message or product.

  3. Social Hierarchy Emotional Button: People who are famous or have significant wealth often use their status to sell products and services. They understand the influence they hold over their fans and followers and leverage it to sell merchandise. When you see a celebrity endorsing a product, you may desire to have what they have, believing that it will get you closer to “being like them and experiencing their way of life.” They know it and use it very well. They sell a dream to many people who are no rich and famous.

  4. Repetition: Advertisers strategically expose you to their messages multiple times, knowing that repeated exposure builds familiarity and trust. Studies have shown that after approximately seven repetitions, there is a higher chance of conversion, as the repeated exposure creates a sense of familiarity and perceived reliability.

  5. Storytelling: Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Advertisers and the entertainment industry harness this innate attraction by using storytelling techniques to sell products, ideas, and values. Storytelling creates an emotional connection, allowing the audience to relate to the characters, situations, and experiences presented. Through compelling narratives, advertisers and salespeople can effectively communicate the benefits and desirability of their offerings, evoking emotions and making their message more memorable.

  6. The Power of "Yes": Salespeople employ a technique called "yes momentum." They aim to get you to say "yes" to a series of questions or small requests. By getting you to agree multiple times, they establish a pattern of compliance and increase the likelihood of a final "yes" when it comes to the main request or purchase. This technique leverages the psychological principle of consistency, as people tend to align their actions with their previous commitments.

  7. Cognitive Dissonance: When you encounter conflicting ideas or beliefs, it creates cognitive dissonance, a state of mental discomfort. This discomfort prompts you to seek resolution by reevaluating your thoughts and attitudes. During this vulnerable state, others can seize your attention and direct you towards their desired outcome. Advertisers, as well as skilled manipulators and high-pressure salespeople, utilize cognitive dissonance to interrupt your thought process, making it easier to influence your decisions and behavior.

  8. Manipulation Tactics: Manipulative individuals often employ Machiavellian strategies, such as giving and withdrawing. They identify what you crave or desire and use it to gain control over you. They initially provide you with what you want, creating a sense of dependence or desire for more. Then, they strategically withdraw or withhold what you seek, causing you to long for it even more. This tactic preys on your vulnerabilities and desires, making you more susceptible to their influence and manipulation. Sociopaths and narcisists employ these techniques naturally.

  9. Stendhal Syndrome: Stendhal Syndrome refers to a collection of intense physical and mental symptoms that some individuals experience when viewing a work of art. It can induce a state of awe and overwhelming emotions. Advertisers, artists, and the media leverage this effect to slip in suggestions and commands while you are in a highly receptive and emotionally charged state. By exploiting the vulnerability induced by profound aesthetic experiences, they can influence your thoughts, preferences, and behaviors.

  10. Guilt: Manipulators understand that if you carry shame, guilt, or deep-rooted fears, you are more likely to be susceptible to their influence. They exploit these emotions to coerce you into doing things that go against your own best interests. By leveraging your vulnerabilities, narcissists and sociopaths can manipulate you into compliance, exert control over your decisions, and keep you trapped in harmful dynamics.

This a short list. There is more. My goal is to teach you to recognize this constant programming from the outside world and learn to program yourself. Come to my workshops.

Follow us on HypnoCloud for weekly insight and consider our special Your New Chapter workshop to build your skills in evidence based self-programming.

Elena Mosaner, MS, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and ICF Certified Coach with over 15 years of experience in helping people with habit-building, conquering fears, confidence-building, performance, and other personal development and wellness issues. Founder of HypnoCloud Digital Hypnotherapy. Download the app in Apple Store or Google Play now.

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