How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. It is very similar to the state of meditation, focused attention, or a dream-like state. While in the state of hypnosis your critical thinking is bypassed and selective thinking is established. Hypnotherapists use relaxation techniques to induce a receptive state of mind. During hypnosis, you are given positive suggestions and deliberately designed affirmations, to bring about a change in behavior.
What can hypnosis be used for?
Hypnosis can be used for a variety of things. It is widely used to overcome bad habits and to help establish new behavior patterns. In general, hypnosis is used to program the mind to change a person’s belief system around a specific behavior. Since hypnosis involves deep mental relaxation, processes like guided visualization and mental forwarding can be used to enhance motivation and confidence in the specific areas of life. Hypnosis can also be used for the sake of relaxation to help manage and release stress and tension. Hypnosis can also be used as a way to tap into inner knowing and guidance.
What is self-hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis means you are relaxing using a self-hypnosis technique or listening to a hypnosis audio recording session. It is important to design affirmations stated in present tense, in positives and based in the outcome frame. You can learn more about self-hypnosis and how to design affirmations in our courses on HypnoCloud.
How often and when should I listen to hypnosis audios?
You should listen to hypnosis sessions for at least two weeks, for a minimum of three times a week. It is okay to listen to these sessions every day. Generally, we recommend morning or day time, so you are not tired or falling asleep.
How many different hypnosis sessions can I listen to at a time?
It is best to pick one or two hypnosis sessions per week and work with them for a couple of weeks. We don’t recommend more than three different sessions per week. It is best to stay focused on one or two areas for a period of time. Besides, you will be listening to the same session once a day or at least three times a week- for better results.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Absolutely anyone can be hypnotized, as long as they are willing to follow the instructions of a hypnotist, whether it is live in-person or in the hypnosis audio recordings. If you can meditate, look at the fireplace for extended period of time, daydream, stare at the ocean and enjoy the sound of the waves crashing - you can be hypnotized.
Can people be hypnotized against the will?
History has shown that people can do outrageous things that go against their well-being or at least do things they regret due to social or cultural programming or being too open and highly suggestible. That’s just like hypnosis. In some cases mass hypnosis. When you visit a hypnotherapist’s office or listen to a hypnosis audio session, we want the best for you and will help you achieve your personal goals. Every suggestion is designed for your well-being, health and happiness. So while we aim for your opens and suggestibility- the end result is your improved health, performance, confidence and so on. You also get to choose your audio programs and affirmations.