Hypnosis for Anxiety: how to use self-hypnosis to elicit relaxation response

Article by Tony Sokol

Generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social anxieties, phobias, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress, just the variety is enough to trigger a feeling of unease and fight-or flight-response. Your heart rate goes up, metabolism speeds up, breathing becomes more shallow and you are unable to think rationally. With time, prolonged stress affects the body and puts you at risk for hypertension and heart problems.

HypnoCloud’s hypnosis audio download “Release Anxiety & Shift Perception”, designed by hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner, will help you pull away from anxiety, detaching  and becoming an observer, instead of playing an active part in it. Anxiety affects us all sometimes. That feeling of unease, dread or fear which can make us sweat, feel tense, and bring on a rapid heartbeat.  For people with anxiety disorders, this feeling never goes away, interferes with daily life and leaves them overwhelmed.

With hypnotherapy tools you can establish a new conditioned response, you will learn to dissociate from anxious feelings and not get sucked into the spiral of negative thinking and adverse reactions. Through self-hypnosis, you can learn to see the anxiety from afar, like a mountain in a faraway distance. Don’t be nervous, you are not alone. Anxiety disorders affect over 280 million people worldwide. People with long-term generalized anxiety often can’t remember the last time they felt relaxed.

Hypnosis also effectively treats specific anxieties. A study published in the International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia  found hypnosis helped obstetric patients overcome post-traumatic stress disorder before giving birth. The studies compiled in “The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment for Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis,” found hypnosis reduced anxiety by 84% more sufferers than those who never underwent the process. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can help relieve stress, fear, and anxiety. It helps you lower anxiety and any anxiety-related conditions you may be suffering, such as tension headaches, depression, even post-traumatic stress disorder.

When you are in a calm and relaxed state of mind, you allow yourself to see solutions and better outcomes. Your communication with others, and your inner dialogue with yourself becomes more steady and stable. You will find that the old impulsive reactions begin to subside. You might be even surprised at how the environment begins to change in response to your more calm, solid and resourceful inner state. Your surroundings will begin to match you, even the people in your atmosphere may begin to change their attitude and the way they relate to you.

During a hypnotherapy session, you are open to posthypnotic suggestions which give you alternatives, and tools to use against rising fears and terrors. HypnoCloud’s Hypnosis Audio “Release Anxiety & Shift Perception” eases you into a relaxed state which makes it easier to accept coping mechanisms against escalating anxiety symptoms like shortness of breath, increased heart rate, irritability and the feeling of impending doom. Hypnotherapy helps reduce the automatic, subconscious responses, allowing you to manage your emotions.

Hypnotherapy isn’t as widely known as psychotherapy and medication for treating anxiety, but is an effective way to cope with the symptoms of panic disorder, improve negative thinking, and manage troublesome recurring conditions. Hypnotherapy can also be combined with other therapies and relaxation techniques to enhance the overall effects.

Once you are relaxed, you can bring awareness to the sensations and emotions associated with their attacks. You can learn to remain relaxed while facing fears. It has an immediate effect, and makes for long term change.

Want more? Download our HypnoCloud self-hypnosis app and try our hypnosis audio sessions for weight management, learn the techniques for self-hypnosis.


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