Self-instruction in self-hypnosis is your secret to success.

How can you instruct yourself in hypnosis to change your life for better?

You can program yourself for better habits, you can boost your confidence, all while relieving stress and anxiety. Self-hypnosis makes you the author of your story, and you don’t have to share the byline. Not the labels people, culture, society or the events of your past have read into you.

During self-hypnosis, you speak to yourself in the state of hypnosis. You can make your own recordings with the relaxation techniques you know are most effective for you, and program the affirmations you inherently feel you will respond to. You can induce hypnosis and silently speak to yourself, repeating specific affirmations in your mind, silently. You can practice self-hypnosis anywhere at any time, independent of anyone.

The secret is: your voice and repeating your key suggestions silently in your own head, while deeply relaxed.

Hearing your voice giving you self-hypnosis affirmations is an affirmation in itself. You can trust your voice as much as any hypnotherapist, and when you are speaking your words with your voice it corresponds with your inner voice and resonates on a different internal level than self-hypnosis audio sessions spoken by others. A hypnotherapist will help you design a specific mindset for a specific behavior change, but self-hypnosis allows you to deliberately direct your life with your own voice.

This is autonomy. It confers self-sovereignty.

Self-instruction is an essential part of self-hypnosis. It is a vital element of education, cognitive behavior therapy and hypnotherapy to enhance learning, and promote growth and healing. Self-instruction means giving yourself a specific verbal instruction in your own voice, either spoken out-loud or thought internally. This form of self-instruction fosters independence. Some hypnotherapists have their clients repeat their suggestions internally as a form of self-instruction while in a hypnotic state.

A study conducted at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, observed children in kindergarten and first grade assembling wood-form board puzzles. They found self-instructive systematic thinking was one of the keys to success in performance. The researchers looked at two groups of kids: normally-achieving children, and children with language and learning problems. They found very large differences between the way these groups of children approached the puzzle.

The normally-achieving children usually began by organizing the task, they turned the pieces right side up while talking to themselves out loud. They narrated their progress, posting goals like “I need a square shape,” urging and rewarding themselves as they worked to solve the puzzle. The children with learning difficulties did not approach the puzzle systematically. Their chatter was not related to the puzzle. The study showed a correlation between self-instruction and problem solving.

In the theory, “A Self-Regulated Learning Model,” cognitive behavior therapist Dr. Donald Michenbaum emphasizes the function of self-instruction as one of the guiding principles for enhanced learning as well as behavior control and modification. He conducted one experiment where students would model a teacher’s cognitive processes using step-by-step instruction. They worked through a problem at the same time, speaking it through out loud together. They then individually whispered the sequence of instructions, while asking new questions and finding answers. This internal approach was especially effective with students who have not been raised in academically rigorous homes. Dr. Michenbaum would later have similar success using self-instruction elements with post-traumatic stress disorder patients.

To program yourself through self-hypnosis, be sure to crate 5 to 10 key affirmations and speak them silently in the state of hypnosis.

HypnoCloud offers a free, one-hour self-hypnosis tutorial, where you learn self-hypnosis techniques and how to design affirmations. You will get both sample scripts and sample affirmations scripts, as a member of our online hypnotherapy platform. Not to mention access to our growing library of self-hypnosis audio session. And you know what else? In our hypnosis audio session you are instructed to speak your affirmations silently in your own head for maximum results!

Want more? Download our HypnoCloud self-hypnosis app and try our personal development hypnosis audio sessions , learn the techniques for self-hypnosis.


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