Self-hypnosis for Wealthy Mindset - Affirmations

Article by Elena Mosaner

I was talking to my mom today about how wealth and abundance is available to everyone, that everyone has the right and opportunity to be wealthy. I told her that absolutely everyone has access to it. She gave me a look of doubt and asked me to elaborate. I thought a bit and then asked her to imagine the sand, green grass, and the ocean and how each and every one of us can hold in their hands as many sand grains as we want, you can even bring a bottle or two and fill it with the sand and take it home. The same goes with the ocean, bring the bucket and take it home, no one is hiding the ocean from you and you don’t have to work hard to have a piece of it or enjoy running or walking its shores. Nature is pretty much available to everyone in as many quantities. So, I made the comparison of having access to material wealth with access to natural free resources like the ocean, sand or green grass. Then my mom said, “Yeah I see what you mean, but not for Russians. For so many of us who grew up in the Soviet Union, this is a foreign concept.”  

I remember myself how after growing up in the Soviet Union I really had to rework many of my beliefs around money and wealth. For a long time I used to think I had to deserve abundance or wealth, that I had to work hard to attain it or receive it.  For so many years, I even held shame around words like wealth or being rich. In the culture where I grew up these words were associated with bad things or bad people. It was they versus us. 

Over the years, I had to relearn my relationship with money and the concept of wealth. When we read the books on wealth that teach the special mindset, it is actually very true. When money flows into your life, when things are aligning and opportunities open up, you are in a different state of mind. You don’t think of scarcity, you don’t think of hardship or lack of something. You are in the flow of special energy and simply feel abundant. It is kind of ecstatic. Everything that is here on earth (made my man) was once in someone’s mind, right? As cliche as it sounds, we do create our reality with what we conceive in our head. Whatever we plan and allow ourselves to have - we do.

And yet sometimes there are certain limits in the mind that do not allow some of us to have more than we think or want.

I want to share  five affirmations with you today,  for wealth and abundance:

That is which limiting me from having abundance is now  revised and resolved by my inner mind

I allow myself to feel the flow of limitless abundance
I enter the space of a wealthy mindset

I allow myself to create wealth in my life in ways that is healthy productive and fulfilling  
I am wealthy prosperous and thriving 

Feel free to use these affirmations or change them around as you wish. The wealthy mindset topic is grand, there are some questions that I want to keep exploring. For example, how can you think such ideas and believe them, when you are living in North Korea or the old Soviet Union? I have some ideas on this, to share with you in my next post.

Do you have any wealth and abundance affirmations that you love? Feel free to share!

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