HypnoCloud Live Monthly Events

Your New Chapter workshop

Your New Chapter workshop

This is an intensive 3-hour workshop to help participants generate a new life script for a specific change in a unique life area, using a 5-step New Trajectory Method, a DIY system, developed by Elena Mosaner.

Date: June 20th 9am-Noon Pacific

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The Power of Feminine

The Power of Feminine

This event is about Your Feminine. Within us we have two poles, masculine and feminine.

Feminine dynamic is about surrender, and your attention going inward. Sounds like meditation, right? Feminine is about your ability to stay present and aware. Both men and women need to learn to embody such quality.

The unhealthy feminine tends to result in overly emotional behavior, gossip or even manipulation. This is toxic femininity and it is real.

As women we need to continue to embark on a journey to embody our most magnificent power of surrender and connection to all that is. It is magical.

As men, they could also learn to embody their inner feminine ( anima) to become more aware, present and as a result, more powerful in their communication and relationships.

How about we all meet and talk more about it, on May 9th at 10am Pacific?

We will conclude our discussion with a powerful meditation for the embodiment of the healthy balanced feminine within. Reserve your ticket

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How to Examine Your Life with Hypnotic Self-Inquiry.

How to Examine Your Life with Hypnotic Self-Inquiry.

Delusion is one of the mental and spiritual poisons, according to the Buddhism’s philosophy. It is the veil of confusion or self-deception. It is the ultimate state of self-misunderstanding.

Clarity is the answer to freedom from within, a path to wisdom.

One way to purge confusion is to self-reflect. Self-reflecting means you have to look at your life honestly, even at some life points that you don’t want to look at or avoid looking at. Those events hold gold and seeds for incredible personal growth.

Most of us don’t really examine the life we live, unless we journal regularly or even better - write a self-reflective memoir or novel.

There are simpler ways to do it. Join me for a one-hour workshop. During the workshop you will:

-learn how to ask yourself questions that lead to inner insight

-practice self-reflection exercises

-participate in a group hypnosis meditation to enhance the insight

Self-reflection makes you wiser. Wisdom is your way to freedom from within.

Sign up for free

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Self-Hypnosis to overcome Fears & Phobias

Self-Hypnosis to overcome Fears & Phobias

Join Elena Mosaner and one of our member volunteers as they work on designing specific suggestions for the fear of heights. Experience self-hypnosis mediation to help you overcome any of the fears or phobias you might have or simply build confidence around a specific issue or area. 11am Pacific. Free for all members.

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Self-Inquiry Method with Elena Mosaner

Self-Inquiry Method with Elena Mosaner

Come join me for an hour of new skill learning and meditation. Self-Inquiry workshop is about the magic of asking yourself questions that lead to insight and self-discovery. Learn how to enter the state of deep relaxation for self-inquiry and how to design and ask these life transforming questions. Free for members.

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