Hypnosis Audio to Overcome Insomnia and Improve Sleep


Self-hypnosis audio length: 35 minutes

This hypnosis audio session will help you overcome insomnia and improve sleep. Get fully recharged for the day to come and boost the function of your immune system.

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Insomnia is a common sleep problem for adults. The National Institutes of Health estimates that roughly 30 percent of the general population complains of sleep disruption, and approximately 10 percent have associated symptoms of daytime functional impairment consistent with the diagnosis of insomnia ( National Sleep Foundation, 2005).

What are the common causes for poor sleeping habits? There many causes, some of them are daily stress, the overuse of technology and bright screens, poor eating habits or too much caffeine throughout the day.

In general, people find it difficult to fall asleep because their mind just won’t shut off. It is “thinking.” Thinking about what happened, what could have happened, what could happen tomorrow, going over the scenarios or worries about something specific or about what is going on in the world and so on. The mind is “on” - that’s why you can not fall asleep. Some choose to take medication to unwind and find it helpful. Although, depending on medication, it can cause dependency and other harmful side effects.

If you are at a point of readiness in your life to learn natural ways for falling asleep and staying asleep, then hypnosis can be a good option for you. With self-hypnosis natural relaxation techniques, you can learn to unwind from a busy day and stressful thoughts - to shut off the busy mind and fall into a restful sound sleep.

This hypnosis audio session is deigned to teach you a simple and effective relaxation technique for sleep and gently convince your mind that the time to react for the day is over and the time to react for tomorrow is yet to come; that ultimately you are better off with a restful sleep for the new day to come.

Research have shown over and over that good sleep serves the proper function of your immune system. Quality sleep can bolster the type of immune cells called T-cells in your body that fight off infection. Good sleep promotes the ability of these T-cells to adhere to and destroy cells infected by viruses and other pathogens, as well as cancer cells (Stoyan Dimitrov, PhD, a researcher at the University of Tübinge).

Getting a good night sleep is akin to recharging your electric devices. Imagine, if you only had 30% of your smart phone charged, for the day ahead? In the same way, you need a full 100% charge for your mind and body, to be able to enjoy your day ahead and perform at you best capacity. Good sleep will provide that for you at no cost.

This audio is also available as part of the Boosting Your Immune System package.