Hypnosis Audio to Release Mental Blocks


This self-hypnosis recording is designed to help you break free from the programming of the past. The use metaphors in the audio is trance inducing and aimed to help your mind revise and release any negative conditioned responses, disempowering beliefs and inhibitions which hold you back in life.

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We naturally imitate our environment since the day we are born. Events, people places and circumstances affect the way we form our models of the world. 

Our environment has a direct link to the beliefs we hold about ourselves our possibilities and the world around us. This influences our self-esteem and internal representations. Depending on your upbringing or the events you've been exposed to, your beliefs can be positive or sometimes limiting and disempowering.

This hypnosis audio session will help you understand the nature of any of your limiting or disempowering old beliefs. Though metaphors and healing imagery you will be guided to detach from the restrictions of the past. You will release mental barriers, stressful thoughts and gain freedom to be your authentic self, confident, easy going and positive. Get ready for a ride, this audio will be a life changer.